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Guide For Growing Mint Plants With Our Soilless Potting Mix

Soilless potting mixes are great for indoor plants as they do not contain soil or dirt. Indoor plants thrive in soilless compost mixes because they cut down on all the risks of pests and diseases that usually affect regular soil. Succulent potting mixes are especially best for plants like cactus or mint.

Plants thrive more in a healthy mixture of organic compost mix because it allows for better water retention and aeration. Another one of the key advantages of soilless mixes is that they are available at very affordable prices. Read on for our guide to growing mint with our soilless potting mix for mint plants.

How To Prepare To Grow Mint

Before you start growing mint, it’s important to prepare your garden and gather the necessary supplies. Here are some steps to help you prepare to grow mint:

  1. Choose the right variety: Mint comes in many different varieties, each with its own unique flavour and scent. Choose a variety that is well-suited to Singapore’s climate and growing conditions. Some popular varieties include spearmint, peppermint, and chocolate mint.
  2. Select the right location: Mint plants require plenty of sunlight, but in a hot climate, they may benefit from some shade during the hottest part of the day. Consider planting your mint in a location that gets morning sun and afternoon shade, or provide some shade cloth to protect the plants from excessive heat.
  3. Choose the right pot: When it comes to choosing a pot to grow mint, it’s important to select one that allows for good drainage and provides enough space for the plant to grow. We carry a range of pots that you can select from.
  4. Prepare the soil: Soilless potting mix provides a good growing medium for mint plants. It provides good drainage, aeration, and is nutrient-rich, which are all essential for healthy plant growth. This mix is typically made up of a combination of compostable organic matter, peat moss for water retention, as well as other minerals and materials for nutrient, moisture, and drainage management. Mint plants require well-draining soil, so this is especially important to prevent root rot and ensure healthy growth.

You’ll also need some basic gardening supplies, including a garden trowel, a watering can or hose, and a pair of scissors or pruning shears.

How to Plant Mint Using Soilless Potting Mix

If you plan to grow more than one mint plant in a pot, you’ll have to make sure that you space them out evenly and sufficiently to allow for growth. Aim for a spacing of at least 12-18 inches between plants.

Step 1: Empty the soilless potting mix directly from the pack into the pots. Then, plant your succulents and indoor plants into the mix.

Step 2: Ensure that the potting mix for indoor plants remains a few inches below the top of the pot. This is because you’ll need room to water the plant in a way that prevents an overflow that will cause the mix to wash out onto the floor.

Step 3: Make sure the soilless mix is firmly packed around the plant, but avoid packing it too tightly as there needs to be room for aeration around the roots.

Step 4: Water the plants generously. Once the water settles down, you’ll get an idea of how the plants sit before you adjust the potting mix.

Propagating Mint Plants

Using stem-cutting for your propagation method is another simple and effective way to multiply your plants and create new ones without having to start from seed.

To propagate mint plants through stem-cutting, select a healthy stem and cut it to about four to six inches long, retaining a few leaves at the top. Remove the lower leaves and apply Greenspade’s Size Plus organic concentrate to the cut end.

Plant the cutting in soilless potting mix, bury it about halfway into the soil, and water it thoroughly. Cover the mint plant’s pot with a clear plastic bag for moisture retention and place it in a warm and bright location, but out of direct sunlight. After a few weeks, roots should begin to form, and once they have developed, the mint plant cutting can be transferred into a larger pot or planted outdoors in well-draining soil.

How To Maintain And Grow Mint Plants

Mint plants require regular watering to grow well, especially in hot weather. However, overwatering can lead to root rot, so ensure that the top inch of your soil dries out before watering again. Water the plant at the base rather than from above to avoid wetting the leaves, which can lead to fungal disease.

Mint plants benefit from regular fertilisation to promote healthy growth and strong flavour. Apply a balanced, water-soluble fertiliser every four to six weeks during the initial growing season. Select fertilisers that contain equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, essential nutrients for plants. This along with good potting mix and soil will ensure that you have a healthy and happy mint plant.

Do note that mint plants are vigorous growers and can quickly become invasive if not kept in check. To prevent the plant from taking over your garden, prune it regularly by pinching off the tips of the stems. This will encourage bushier growth and help to keep the plant under control.

How To Harvest Mint

Mint leaves can be harvested throughout the growing season, but the best time to harvest it is in the morning after the dew has evaporated. This is when the oils that give mint its flavour and aroma are most concentrated.

To harvest mint, simply pinch or cut off the leaves with a sharp pair of scissors or gardening shears. Be sure to leave at least one-third of the plant intact to ensure healthy growth.

Avoid harvesting more than one-third of the plant at a time, as this can stress the plant and reduce its overall growth and flavour.

Buy Greenspade’s Organic Soilless Mix

Nothing brightens up a room quite like a host of plants and flowers. With the right type of soil potting mix, vegetable potting mix, and proper care, your indoor plants and vegetable garden will continue to grow and add to the beauty of your home. Besides mint, you can add other herbs like Thyme, Thai basil and Coriander to start growing your very own herb garden now. Also check out our exclusive range of cacti and succulent potting mix and soilless potting mix for indoor plants.

Explore Greenspade’s range of soilless mixes and place your order online and get free delivery.